Liquid Markets

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Player Subscription Agreement

Complete and Submit


My selfie with identity document
my IP is [userip_location type="ip"]
my continent is [userip_location type="continent"]
my country is [userip_location type="country"]
my city is [userip_location type="city"]
my latitude is [userip_location type="lat"]
my longtitude is [userip_location type="lon"]
my timezone is [userip_location type="timezone"]
my internet service provider is [userip_location type="isp"]
my browser is [userip_location type="browser"]
my operating system is [userip_location type="os"]
[userip_location type="flag" height="auto" width="50px"]

    Post payment made with my knowledge, activate this Player subscription account, once I agree to the following conditions by ticking the check boxes

    eSign below.

    Upload same KYC selfie below.

    Date of agreement

    Click twice to submit your agreement

    Click to print, email the pdf to [email protected] to receive credentials[print-me target="body"/]

    [print-me target="body"/]