Liquid Markets

( 5 out of 5 )

Risk Managed

From: $50
  • Build your own fund the smart way
  • Fund your own broker acccount and receive the free Liquid challenge on the same day
  • 100% own account benefits
  • Receive 100% balance growth by passing challenge phase
  • Receive $10,000 backing by winning the challenge
  • Copy your good trades to your broker account and get payouts on the same day

Risk managed accounts are an ideal choice for anyone interested in 100% ownership and zero restrictions yet with the Liquid nuturing support system. They can experience restriction free trading with real money in real markets with fixed transparent risk. These accounts are also suitable for traders who want to receive payouts from their challange trading strategies with limited loss potential of $10 per trade.

Risk managed prop plan is the latest innovation from Liquid, the inventors of the low leverage monthly subscription as well as the single stage challenge.

This plan replicates your own brokerage account, and allows you to trade your own way without prop fees, evaluation, limits or challenges. This plan provides you with the chance to trade exactly as you would your own money yet at a broker that WILL BE FAIR AND NOBLE towards your little account. You retain the Liquid community benefits.
This means you have effective nurturing parameters yet you control your own funding level.

This product is not available to citizens of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Turkey, USA, United Kingdom, China , Pakistan, Indonesia, North Korea, Singapore and United Arab Emirates. We make every effort to geo block these locations. However, it is not permitted to citizens and any money paid will be returned only where possible. Donations  are accepted only in crypto currency.

SKU : 24291
Categories : ,

Additional information

Drawdown - Absolute Maximum %


Drawdown - Daily Maximum % Limit


Drawdown - position


EA, Bot or Scripts


Fee Type

Single Payment

IP or Device Sharing


Leverage Absolute Maximum


Mandatory stop loss



All available

News Trading


No time limits


Number of positions


Payment from wallet


Payout Cycle


Payout: Initial


Payout potential


Position value


Positive trading days


Profit target for growth


Profit target for withdrawal




Renewal from Wallet


Signal Usage


Spread dynamics


Starting Balance

Variable, $100, $1000, $50, $500

Stop Loss per Position


Strategy: Hedging


Strategy: Martingale


Strategy: Multi-account hedging


Strategy: Pricing or Laten


Strategy: Stacking


Trader profit share


Trading hours


Trading Platform


Weekend positions


Annual daily profit dollar


Minimum donation


Without Commission

Without Commission


This is the chance to build your own broker account with funds earned from your prop account. Simply open your own account with a broker and instantly receive our 3 phase $10,000 Challenge. Copy your trades over, receive a bonus for passing each phase. Boost the $10,000 to your own account balance upon passing.

You will receive the $10,000 3 Phase challenge immediately. Upon winning the challenge the traders broker account will be credited with $10,000 and with Liquids nuturing risk parameters to protect the trader. The trader will be able to copy his challenge trades over to the broker account in increments of $10. Upon withrawal from the Liquid real accounts, 50% will be added to your broker account and the other 50% will be subject to Liquid Nitro splits, which is 60% for the first payout.

These accounts are suitable for traders who want to leverage their evaluation trading strategies to provide cash payouts even before completing the evaluation when they have good trades. And with zero cost, the Liquid evaluation is free. have 100% of your own broker account, use the free challenge to boost ypur balance, and in the meantime you have a chance to benefit from good trades by the copy technology that links your prop account to your broker account. You have no restrictions on ypur broker account yet you retain the proven Liquid risk nurturing support and backing network. You select decide much you want to have in your own account and Liquid will add the $10,000 upon completion of phase 3 and extra backing and account growth when you earn it.

  • 30 –  40 markets
  • The trading platform available for this product is MetaTrader5 (MT5)
  • Leverage is limited to 1:200.
  • Hedging is allowed: For each buy and sell a new position is opened, and you can have several buy and sell positions over a certain symbol.
  • Netting: You will have one open position on a certain symbol, in case of addition of trading volume, it will be averaged. If you obtain a position in the opposite direction it will be subtracted from your open position.
    * The default trading system is hedging , to change it, refer to the Trader’s Menu, Change account type.
  • Spread :Raw
  • Order Execution :Execution in instant price
  • A minimum of $50 is required to receive the real account credentials.

This product is not available to citizens of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Turkey, USA, United Kingdom, China , Pakistan, Indonesia, North Korea, Singapore and United Arab Emirates. We make every effort to geo block these locations. However, it is not permitted to citizens and any money paid will be returned only where possible. KYC and payments are directly to the broker by selfie and crypto currency.


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