Social Trading App

We developed AI that monitors thousands of traders in real time and dynamically copy trades those deemed to be 'In the Zone'

Copy our Traders

Lacma Project

Liquid funded the machine learning system that copied trades from the minority top traders at several Prop firms. 2 year profitable track record is available on demand.
We now provide a data only version of this for retail customers looking to benefit from Liquids top traders.

Social Trading

You no longer need to select traders from lagging historical performance charts. Our next gen social trading app only requires you to decide which market conditions expertise is required for the next strategic era. Our AI will package the top 12 expert traders from our platform of over 30,000 real traders whom are proven to do best in the market conditions you expect.


Performance Data at Your Fingertips Simply pay a monthly fee to connect your broker account to our data. You retain all control, we do not manage or use your funds. Your funds copy our packaged trader strategies. You decide the leverage, stop out, call margin levels. Order execution is instant provided your account is with one of our partnering brokers

Experience the Power of your own Social Trading Portal

Ready to provide your customers with a seamless and personalized experience? Discover the capabilities of our AI and huge Trader datasets. Revolutionize the way your firm operates. Connect with us today and unlock a new level of investor satisfaction and returns.