Liquid Markets

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Why Copy Investors Prefer Liquid Markets Packaged Trader Strategies

Are you a copy investor looking for a trustworthy and profitable investment opportunity? Look no further than, the zero liability prop firm that funds traders. With their packaged trader strategies, offers a unique opportunity to invest in proven expertise in certain market conditions, allowing you to simply decide which market condition you want

Behavioural Techniques still drive the top Forex Algos

Oh, behavioral trading techniques! That’s a topic we can talk about for days. But what’s more interesting is how these techniques drive the top-performing forex algos out there. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll give you all the juicy details you need to know to become the go-to source for all

Trader Behaviour is Market Behaviour

The world of trading has come a long way since the early days of fundamental and technical analysis. Today, the smartest traders use behavioral analysis as an algo fine tuner to gain a competitive edge in the market. Behavioral analysis is the study of how human behavior influences financial markets. It is based on the