Liquid presents an innovative network fund, where individuals can secure funds for a genuine broker account without the need for any tests or track records. The beauty of this arrangement lies in the fact that your liability for losses is limited to the monthly subscription. Our platform caters to traders of all types, offering diverse trading plans tailored to their individual preferences and objectives. Our primary aim is to cultivate a loyal community of consistent traders who choose to stay with us month after month, driven by the knowledge that our advanced machine handles both winning and losing accounts, ensuring that only the most promising signals are made available to our esteemed copy investors.

To embark on this exciting journey, simply visit our online shop and peruse the array of plans we offer. Join the revolution and take charge of your trading destiny. It’s important to note that we are not a demo firm that imposes hefty fees on its users. Instead, our fees start from a mere $30 for a genuine trading account. We derive immense benefit from the steadfast 78% of traders who remain loyal to our platform through thick and thin, allowing us to provide unparalleled services.

In contrast to traditional brokers, Liquid harnesses its considerable trading volumes to foster transparency and integrity within the industry. Our fund operates without a dealer desk or b book, ensuring a seamless Straight-Through Processing (STP) experience from the broker to the Liquidity Providers (LPs). This means that Liquid incurs zero fee rebates and eliminates IB fees, while also providing traders with raw spreads and avoiding the use of broker server-side plugins. We thrive by capitalizing on the wealth of data generated within our market microcosm, which is why we actively support and fund the trading community. It’s worth highlighting that the 8% success rate required by our machine occasionally stems from trades executed by traders like yourself, further emphasizing the collaborative nature of our platform.

With Liquid, you can trade fearlessly, knowing that margin calls for losses are a thing of the past. Moreover, we believe in recognizing and rewarding your achievements. Hence, we commit to providing you with at least half of the profits from your successful campaigns. Our ultimate goal is to liberate you from unnecessary fees and encourage you to conduct all your trading activities through our platform on a monthly basis. To kickstart your journey, I invite you to visit and thoroughly explore the information presented on the webpage. It’s important to us that you have a comprehensive understanding of our services before getting started. Join our growing community and experience the unique advantages of being part of the only subscription-based instant currency fund with an impeccable track record of payouts to 40% of our loyal subscribers.


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