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Proprietary Trading: Where Rules Rule & Fun Follows!

Proprietary trading is a way of trading that is done by financial institutions using their own funds rather than that of their clients. It is a highly regulated form of trading that requires traders to comply with strict rules to maximize profitability. Despite its strict regulations, proprietary trading can be an exciting and profitable venture for those who know how to trade with rules.

Trading with Rules: The Secret to Profitable Proprietary Trading!

In proprietary trading, traders trade with their company’s money and are required to adhere to strict rules to minimize risk and maximize profits. These rules include setting limits on the amount of money that can be invested, the maximum amount of leverage that can be used, and diversifying investments across different asset classes.

Trading with rules is the secret to profitable proprietary trading. By following these rules, traders minimize their risk exposure and ensure that they do not lose more money than they can afford. Moreover, these rules help traders to stay disciplined, which is essential for success in the highly volatile world of financial markets.

Get Ready for Some Fun: Proprietary Trading That’s Serious and Exciting!

Proprietary trading is not only about following rules but also about having fun. The thrill of being able to trade with your company’s money and the excitement of seeing your trades turn profitable is unmatched. Moreover, traders get to work with a team of like-minded individuals who share their passion for trading.

Proprietary trading can be serious and exciting at the same time. Traders are constantly analyzing market trends, looking for opportunities to make a profit, and developing new strategies to stay ahead of the competition. This level of engagement and excitement is what makes proprietary trading a highly rewarding and fulfilling profession.

Proprietary trading is a highly regulated form of trading that requires traders to comply with strict rules to maximize profitability. Trading with rules is the secret to profitable proprietary trading, and traders who adhere to these rules minimize their risk exposure and ensure that they do not lose more money than they can afford. Despite its strict regulations, proprietary trading can be an exciting and fulfilling profession for those who love to trade and are passionate about finance. So, if you are interested in financial markets and love the thrill of trading, proprietary trading is the perfect profession for you.

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Liquid is the best, why?

Liquid presents an innovative network fund, where individuals can secure funds for a genuine broker account without the need for any tests or track records. The beauty of this arrangement lies in the fact that your liability for losses is limited to the monthly subscription. Our platform caters to traders of all types, offering diverse trading plans tailored to their individual preferences and objectives. Our primary aim is to cultivate a loyal community of consistent traders who choose to stay with us month after month, driven by the knowledge that our advanced machine handles both winning and losing accounts, ensuring that only the most promising signals are made available to our esteemed copy investors.

To embark on this exciting journey, simply visit our online shop and peruse the array of plans we offer. Join the revolution and take charge of your trading destiny. It’s important to note that we are not a demo firm that imposes hefty fees on its users. Instead, our fees start from a mere $30 for a genuine trading account. We derive immense benefit from the steadfast 78% of traders who remain loyal to our platform through thick and thin, allowing us to provide unparalleled services.

In contrast to traditional brokers, Liquid harnesses its considerable trading volumes to foster transparency and integrity within the industry. Our fund operates without a dealer desk or b book, ensuring a seamless Straight-Through Processing (STP) experience from the broker to the Liquidity Providers (LPs). This means that Liquid incurs zero fee rebates and eliminates IB fees, while also providing traders with raw spreads and avoiding the use of broker server-side plugins. We thrive by capitalizing on the wealth of data generated within our market microcosm, which is why we actively support and fund the trading community. It’s worth highlighting that the 8% success rate required by our machine occasionally stems from trades executed by traders like yourself, further emphasizing the collaborative nature of our platform.

With Liquid, you can trade fearlessly, knowing that margin calls for losses are a thing of the past. Moreover, we believe in recognizing and rewarding your achievements. Hence, we commit to providing you with at least half of the profits from your successful campaigns. Our ultimate goal is to liberate you from unnecessary fees and encourage you to conduct all your trading activities through our platform on a monthly basis. To kickstart your journey, I invite you to visit and thoroughly explore the information presented on the webpage. It’s important to us that you have a comprehensive understanding of our services before getting started. Join our growing community and experience the unique advantages of being part of the only subscription-based instant currency fund with an impeccable track record of payouts to 40% of our loyal subscribers.


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Metrics for Traders

Mathematical Formulae for the Full List of Forex Profitability Metrics for Traders

As a forex trader, understanding the mathematical formulae associated with profitability metrics is essential for evaluating and improving your trading performance. These formulae allow you to calculate and analyze various metrics that determine the profitability of your trades. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the mathematical formulae for the full list of forex profitability metrics that every trader should know.

1. Calculating Profit and Loss To determine the profit or loss of a forex trade, you can use the following formula:

Profit/Loss = (Closing Price – Opening Price) x Trade Size x Pip Value

The formula takes into account the difference between the closing price and the opening price of the trade, multiplied by the trade size and the pip value. It provides a straightforward calculation to determine your profit or loss in a trade.

2. Leverage Calculation Leverage plays a significant role in forex trading. To calculate the leverage ratio, you can use the following formula:

Leverage Ratio = Total Value of Trade / Equity in the Trading Account

The leverage ratio helps you assess the amount of capital you can control relative to your account equity. It is crucial to understand the leverage ratio to manage risk effectively in forex trading.

3. Pip Value Calculation Pip value calculation is essential for determining the value of each pip movement in a currency pair. The formula for calculating the pip value is as follows:

Pip Value = 1 Pip / Exchange Rate x Trade Size

The pip value calculation considers the exchange rate and the trade size to determine the value of each pip movement. It allows you to assess the potential profit or loss based on pip movements.

4. Calculating Position Size Position sizing is crucial for managing risk in forex trading. To calculate the appropriate position size, you can use the following formula:

Position Size = (Account Equity x Risk Percentage) / (Stop Loss in Pips x Pip Value)

The position size calculation takes into account your account equity, the desired risk percentage, the stop loss level in pips, and the pip value. It helps you determine the appropriate position size based on your risk management strategy.

5. Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) ROI is a vital metric for evaluating the profitability of your trading activities. The formula for calculating ROI is as follows:

ROI = (Net Profit / Total Investment) x 100

The ROI calculation considers the net profit generated from your trades and the total investment made. It provides a percentage value that represents the return on your investment.

By understanding and utilizing these mathematical formulae, forex traders can accurately calculate and evaluate various profitability metrics. These metrics help traders assess the performance of their trades, manage risk effectively, and make informed decisions to enhance their overall profitability.

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Liquids Profitability Metrics for Traders

As a forex trader, understanding and evaluating your trading performance is crucial for long-term success. Profitability metrics provide valuable insights into the profitability of your trades and help you make informed decisions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the full list of profitability metrics that every forex trader should know and monitor.

1. Win Rate The win rate measures the percentage of trades that result in a profit. A higher win rate indicates successful trades and effective trading decisions. Monitoring your win rate allows you to assess the accuracy of your trading strategies and identify areas for improvement.

2. Average Profit/Loss per Trade The average profit/loss per trade calculates the average gain or loss you make on each trade. It helps you determine the average profitability of your trades and assess the effectiveness of your trading decisions.

3. Risk-Reward Ratio The risk-reward ratio compares the potential profit of a trade to the potential loss. A favourable risk-reward ratio indicates that your potential profits outweigh the potential losses. Monitoring and maintaining a positive risk-reward ratio is essential for long-term profitability.

4. Maximum Drawdown The maximum drawdown is the largest percentage decline from a peak in your trading account. It measures the maximum risk exposure you have experienced during a specific period. Monitoring your maximum drawdown helps you manage risk and protect your trading capital.

5. Profit Factor The profit factor is the ratio of gross profit to gross loss. It indicates the overall profitability of your trading strategy. A profit factor greater than 1 suggests that your trading strategy is profitable, while a value less than 1 indicates potential areas for improvement.

6. Return on Investment (ROI) ROI measures the percentage return on your investment over a specific period. It calculates the profit generated relative to the initial investment. Monitoring your ROI allows you to evaluate the overall performance of your trading activities.

7. Risk of Ruin The risk of ruin quantifies the probability of losing your entire trading capital. It helps you assess the level of risk you are exposed to and make necessary adjustments to protect your capital. Maintaining a low risk of ruin is vital for preserving your trading account.

8. Expectancy Expectancy is a statistical measure that calculates the average amount you can expect to gain or lose on each trade. It takes into account the win rate and the average profit/loss per trade. Monitoring your expectancy helps you evaluate the profitability and effectiveness of your trading strategy.

9. Sharpe Ratio The Sharpe ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment. It calculates the excess return generated per unit of risk. A higher Sharpe ratio indicates better risk-adjusted returns. Monitoring your Sharpe ratio helps you assess the efficiency and effectiveness of your trading strategies.

10. Calmar Ratio The Calmar ratio is a risk-adjusted measure that compares the average annual rate of return to the maximum drawdown. It helps you assess the risk-adjusted performance of your trading strategy over time. A higher Calmar ratio indicates better risk-adjusted returns.

11. Sortino Ratio The Sortino ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment, focusing only on the downside risk or negative volatility. It provides a more accurate assessment of risk compared to the Sharpe ratio. Monitoring your Sortino ratio helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your risk management strategies.

12. Ulcer Index The Ulcer Index measures the downside volatility and risk exposure of your trading strategy. It calculates the depth and duration of drawdowns. Monitoring your Ulcer Index helps you identify periods of high risk and evaluate the overall stability of your trading performance.

By regularly tracking and evaluating these profitability metrics, forex traders can gain valuable insights into their trading performance. Remember that successful trading involves a combination of skill, discipline, and continuous improvement. Use these metrics as a guide to assess your strengths, identify areas for improvement, and refine your trading strategies for long-term profitability.

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Comparing Subscription and Challenge Prop Trading

Proprietary trading, also known as prop trading, is a type of trading where a firm or individual trades with their own money instead of clients’ money. Prop trading firms offer two types of programs: subscription and challenge. Subscription programs require traders to pay a monthly fee to access the firm’s trading platform, while challenge programs require traders to pass a trading evaluation to become a funded trader. In this article, we will compare subscription and challenge prop trading and help you decide which one is better for you.

Understanding the Differences Between Subscription and Challenge Prop Trading

Subscription Prop Trading

Subscription prop trading is a program where traders pay a monthly fee to access the firm’s trading platform. The fee can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month, depending on the firm and the trader’s level of access. Subscription programs offer traders access to the firm’s trading tools, education, and support. However, traders are not funded by the firm, and they trade with their own money. Subscription programs are suitable for traders who have their own capital and want to access a firm’s trading platform and resources.

Challenge Prop Trading

Challenge prop trading is a program where traders have to pass a trading evaluation to become a funded trader. The evaluation usually consists of a simulated trading test where traders have to meet certain profit targets and risk management rules. If traders pass the evaluation, they become funded traders and trade with the firm’s capital. The firm takes a percentage of the profits generated by the trader, and the trader keeps the rest. Challenge programs offer traders the opportunity to trade with a firm’s capital and earn a share of the profits. However, traders have to pass a challenging evaluation to become funded traders.

Subscription vs Challenge Prop Trading: Which is Better?

The answer to this question depends on your trading goals and resources. If you have your own capital and want to access a firm’s trading platform and resources, subscription prop trading may be a good option for you. Subscription programs offer traders access to a firm’s trading tools, education, and support, but traders have to trade with their own money.

If you want to trade with a firm’s capital and earn a share of the profits, challenge prop trading may be a good option for you. Challenge programs offer traders the opportunity to become funded traders and trade with the firm’s capital. However, traders have to pass a challenging evaluation to become funded traders.

In conclusion, both subscription and challenge prop trading have their pros and cons. Subscription programs offer traders access to a firm’s trading platform and resources, but traders have to trade with their own money. Challenge programs offer traders the opportunity to become funded traders and trade with the firm’s capital, but traders have to pass a challenging evaluation. It’s important to evaluate your trading goals and resources before choosing a prop trading program.

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Outwit, Outplay, Outlast: The Ultimate Survivor Game!

Get Ready to Outsmart and Outlast in the Ultimate Survivor Game!===

Are you ready to put your skills to the test? The ultimate Survivor game is waiting for you! This amazing game is perfect for those who love challenges and strategy. You’ll need to outwit, outplay, and outlast your opponents to become the ultimate Survivor. So, get ready to dive into the thrill of the game and experience the ultimate adrenaline rush.

Dive into the Thrill of Outwitting and Outplaying Your Opponents!

One of the most exciting aspects of the Survivor game is the strategy involved. You’ll need to think on your feet and be able to adapt to the changing conditions. The game is all about outwitting your opponents by playing smart and staying one step ahead.

Outplaying your opponents is also crucial to winning the game. You’ll need to be physically fit and mentally sharp. You’ll face various challenges that will test your strength, agility, and endurance. Whether it’s swimming across a lake, climbing a mountain, or solving a difficult puzzle, you’ll need to be at your best to come out on top.

Get Ready to Outlast Your Opponents in the Ultimate Survivor Game!

Outlasting your opponents is the ultimate goal of the Survivor game. You’ll need to have a strong will and a never-give-up attitude. You’ll need to be able to push through the toughest of challenges and keep your eye on the prize.

The game can be grueling, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. You’ll make new friends, learn new skills, and gain confidence in yourself. The thrill of outlasting your opponents and becoming the ultimate Survivor is an experience like no other.

Are you ready to take on the challenge of the ultimate Survivor game? It’s time to put your skills to the test and see if you have what it takes to outwit, outplay, and outlast your opponents. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, strategy, and adrenaline. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s play!

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داستان یک معامله گر دیگر بدون افتخار

S.a، [21/04/2023 16:05]

S.a, [26/04/2023 14:33]
سلام وقت بخیر تست زنده بودن انجام دادم ممنون از طریق این دستگاه هم معامله کردم و عکس رو آپلود کردم
آیا الان باید آدرس کیف پول را به شما بدهم؟

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 16:03]
بله، همه چیز مرتب است

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 16:04]
بله USDT trc20 شما چیست

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 16:10]
من الان به جای جمعه حقوق می گیرم

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 16:11]
لطفا usdt trc20 خود را با بلیط بفرستید و اینجا به من بدهید، من پرداخت شما را سریع انجام می دهم

S.a, [26/04/2023 16:28]

S.a, [26/04/2023 16:28]
ممنون از لطف شما، از شما و مجموعه بسیار سپاسگزارم

S.a، [26/04/2023 16:29]
این آدرس کیف پول teter trc20 من است

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 17:33]
شما بلیط نفرستادید؟

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 17:34]
لطفاً دریافت پرداخت را تأیید کنید

S.a، [26/04/2023 17:37]
سلام مجدد بله پرداخت شد با تشکر از تیم شما

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:49]

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:52]
حالا فهمیدید، این قوانین ساده ماشینی است، بسیاری از مشتریان سعی می کنند با استفاده از حساب های ما برای دادن به دیگران، ما را فریب دهند، ابتدا باید از کسب و کار خود محافظت کنیم، سپس بعد از نگرانی در مورد رسانه های اجتماعی، موفق باشید دوست

S.a، [26/04/2023 21:56]
من واقعا اشتباه کردم و اشتباهم را در گروه تلگرام جبران می کنم، ممنون
زود قضاوت کردم، ببخشید

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:57]
این تجارت پر از کلاهبرداری است، اما ما همیشه پرداخت می کنیم زیرا ما نیاز داریم که معامله گر هر ماه بماند، بنابراین می توانیم تجارت را کپی کنیم

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:58]
اگر کلاهبرداری کنیم چرا مشتری دائمی می خواهیم؟

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:58]
بهتر است هزینه تکی را بگیرید، بله؟

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:58]
خوب است، شما بدشانس بودید

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:59]
زیرا شما فقط 1 معامله خوب انجام می دهید به علاوه معامله ای بدون توقف انجام می شود، بنابراین سیستم شما را علامت گذاری می کند

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:59]
هیچ چیز شخصی نیست

نیک پالسون، [26/04/2023 21:59]
اما ما باید از سیستم ماشین پیروی کنیم وگرنه از کار خارج می شویم

S.a، [27/04/2023 05:57]
بله گفته های شما کاملا درست است

S.a، [27/04/2023 05:57]

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Network fund vs Prop firm

In the world of finance, there are many entities, but none as unique as the prop firm and the network fund. While these two may appear similar at first glance, their distinct functions set them apart.

A prop firm, also known as a proprietary trading firm, provides traders with access to capital in exchange for a share of the profits. The firm evaluates potential traders using a simulated virtual market environment that offers zero risk to the firm. Successful candidates receive a funded account held by an independent broker, while failed candidates can repeat the test with additional fees.

The profitability interests of evaluation prop traders do not align with those of their simulated stage hosts, yet successful evaluation prop traders have full control over their trades. They can bet on financial instruments like stocks, forex, commodities, and futures using their own funds. This puts them in charge of their own destiny and allows them to maximize their returns.

In contrast, a network fund firm, also known as a hedge fund, generates returns for all equity investors by creating projects with equity fully donated from network or crowd-sourced investors. Unlike prop firms, hedge funds operate with a more long-term, crowd-sourced strategy. Network funds seek out experienced traders requiring funding and provide them with a non-critical evaluation process. Traders compete fairly on equal footing with others with different backgrounds, and successful traders stop paying fees from as little as month three.

The subscription model allows traders to prove their potential at their own pace, in their own time, and when they are in the zone to trade. Liquid markets have been pioneers of the subscription model for over a decade. They offer a full complement of trading subscriptions to suit any ambitious, competent trader who understands the benefit of other people’s instant funding. From high to low leverage, from scalpers to swing traders, Liquid has a plan for every trader.

In conclusion, the difference between prop firms and network funds is that the latter provides real accounts and real money to individuals. Prop firms provide tests and simulations, but network funds provide a fair and non-critical evaluation process. If you’re seeking to prove your fund manager potential and join a community of successful traders, come to Liquid. We invite you to experience the thrill of success and the joy of financial freedom.

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Overcoming Analysis Paralysis: Strategies for Making Confident Trading Decisions

Are you struggling with analysis paralysis when it comes to making trading decisions? Analysis paralysis is a phenomenon where a person becomes so overwhelmed with data and analysis that they cannot make a decision. This is a common problem among traders, and it can lead to missed opportunities and lost profits.

In this article, we will discuss strategies for overcoming analysis paralysis and making confident trading decisions.

  1. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

The first step in overcoming analysis paralysis is to set clear goals and objectives. When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to filter out irrelevant information and focus on what is important. Your goals and objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  1. Develop a Trading Plan

Once you have set clear goals and objectives, the next step is to develop a trading plan. Your trading plan should include your entry and exit strategies, risk management plan, and a plan for managing your emotions. By having a trading plan, you will have a clear roadmap for making trading decisions, which can help you avoid analysis paralysis.

  1. Use a Checklist

Using a checklist is a simple but effective way to overcome analysis paralysis. Your checklist should include all the important factors that you need to consider before making a trading decision. By following your checklist, you can ensure that you have considered all the relevant factors and make a decision based on a comprehensive analysis.

  1. Limit Your Information Intake

One of the reasons why traders suffer from analysis paralysis is that they consume too much information. It’s important to limit your information intake to the most relevant sources and filter out the noise. By doing so, you can avoid becoming overwhelmed and focus on what’s important.

  1. Take Breaks

Taking breaks is essential for avoiding analysis paralysis. When you spend too much time analyzing data, your brain can become fatigued, and you may start to make irrational decisions. Taking breaks can help you recharge and come back to your analysis with a fresh perspective.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. Practicing mindfulness can help you overcome analysis paralysis by helping you stay focused and centered. By practicing mindfulness, you can avoid getting caught up in negative thoughts and emotions, which can lead to analysis paralysis.

  1. Build Confidence

Confidence is essential for making confident trading decisions. Building confidence takes time and practice, but it’s a critical component of successful trading. One way to build confidence is to start with small trades and gradually increase your risk as you become more comfortable.

In conclusion, analysis paralysis is a common problem among traders, but it’s a problem that can be overcome. By setting clear goals and objectives, developing a trading plan, using a checklist, limiting your information intake, taking breaks, practicing mindfulness, and building confidence, you can make confident trading decisions and achieve your trading goals.

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The Power of Positive Thinking: The Impact of Optimism on Trading

At some point in life, everyone experiences setbacks and disappointments. When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to lose hope and feel discouraged. However, it’s important to remember that our attitude and mindset can greatly impact our ability to succeed and overcome obstacles.

In the world of trading, where success is measured by profits and losses, the power of positive thinking can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of optimism on trading and how it can help traders achieve their goals.

The Benefits of Positive Thinking in Trading

Maintaining a positive attitude while trading can have a number of benefits. Firstly, it can help traders stay focused and motivated. Trading can be a stressful and emotionally challenging endeavor, and it’s easy to get discouraged when faced with losses. However, by focusing on the positive and keeping a clear vision of their goals, traders can stay motivated and continue to work towards success.

In addition, positive thinking can help traders make better decisions. When we approach problems with a positive mindset, we are more likely to look for solutions rather than dwelling on the negatives. This can help traders think creatively and come up with new strategies that can lead to success.

Positive thinking can also help traders manage their emotions. When we approach trading with a negative attitude, we are more likely to make impulsive decisions based on fear or frustration. However, by cultivating a positive mindset, traders can learn to manage their emotions and make decisions based on logic and analysis.

Tips for Cultivating a Positive Mindset in Trading

So, how can traders cultivate a positive mindset and harness the power of positive thinking? Here are a few tips:

  1. Focus on the process, not just the outcome. While profits are certainly important, it’s also important to focus on the process of trading and the steps you’re taking to achieve your goals. By focusing on the process and celebrating small wins along the way, you can stay motivated and maintain a positive attitude.
  2. Practice gratitude. Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, both in your personal life and in your trading. Focusing on the positive can help shift your mindset and keep you motivated.
  3. Visualize success. Spend time visualizing yourself achieving your trading goals. This can help you stay focused and motivated, and can also help you identify the steps you need to take to get there.
  4. Surround yourself with positivity. Spend time with other traders who have a positive attitude and are supportive of your goals. Avoid negative people who may bring you down or discourage you.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the power of positive thinking can have a significant impact on trading success. By cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on the process, traders can stay motivated, make better decisions, and manage their emotions more effectively. If you’re looking to improve your trading results, consider incorporating these tips into your routine and see the difference that positive thinking can make.