Liquid Markets March 2025

Liquid Markets are the first subscription prop fund to bring Crypto trading, with zero liability and 60% profit share.

Liquid now use the Liquid Token for internal accounting with its partners and as a dashboard wallet optional currency. Stakeholders who comprise the Network receive tokens regularly.

Liquid Network is built upon the Liquid Token and is backed by Aerobotcryptobank and traded on the liquid Markets Africa Platform- A Pan African micro finance, barter and payment platform aligned with traditional community asset managers. Liquid  are therefore a DEX and DEFi Global Trading Community with its own multichain token and with Binance listing.

Liquid Markets are the first prop firm fund to bring Crypto trading, with zero liability and 60% profit share

The anatomy of token based forex liquidity:

In our standard forex model, we have deposits that are made at a host site and balances are credited accordingly. In A book models, the trades are forwarded to a Prime Broker for settlement. In B book models, the market is made with certain rates favorable to the broker where spreads are widened, commission is taken, where deposits are forfeited then divided amongst the broker and profitable accounts.

The tokenized liquidity model operates in various ways:

1.Providing liquidity for forex deposits via decentralized financing of token credit from the network provider via the development group of the chosen token. In this format, the network activity of the tokens provides incentive to where a deposit in fiat is a 1:1 ratio or worse, the deposit via our token network is 1:10 or better and gives the holder the same deposit amount for a fraction of the total dollar amount.

2.They are the key to “signal liquidity” which can load your balance to a 15 year history multimarket signal provider and Liquid Markets Algorithmic Indicator. Make revenue using your coins as fertilizer for your seed capital.

3. The coins are the key to access our tokenized forex stp platform that builds revenue by awarding stakeholders with alternating tokens from within the Pool and Reserve. In this way, a new term “forex staking” is conducted by the user initiating the “staking” of deposit coins by trading merits and the accumulation of “points (trade credit)” that can be redeemed for alternating tokens within our ecosystem.

Earned tokens can be used to redeem funded challenge account subscriptions or discount on monthly subscriptions.

The Base reward Credit is UBECU Trade Credit for UBECU Trade and ECFX BB Credit for FX International so both can be used at their respective locations to fund member accounts prior to the decision to redeem for token payout. Both types of credit are also tokenized and can be used on the BSC chain in the form of UBECTR-LP and ECFXBB-LP.

Liquid Tokens are divided into various sections and are pegged to the performance of the Lacma Algo which provides the funds for Nitro accounts :

Stakeholders are the founders, employees, network investors and promoted fund managers. The second section is reserved for trader subscriptions in liquid equity and revenue from Lacma algo trading.

Revenue to pay employees and traders is provided and increased by passive income programs underlying the trading program. If network investors pay spot for the coin to be used for the day, the fees from the payment are put into a special purpose account that will gain interest daily. As interest is gained, it is separated into a reserve account and the initial principal is kept as seed funds to continue interest gains until the networker wants to withdraw.

For the Blulive and Alpha funded trader program, the best traders may be rewarded for spot Forex Nitro account performance additionally on  Liquid Markets Exchange with tokens which can be exchanged for Liquid Equity if they want a metatrader account (spot Forex only) instead. A trader will have to have a certain amount of Liquid Tokens to receive a completely funded account. GLU Notes are accepted in this manner as well.

For the Ubecu Trade Platform, we only accept coins from the network to deposit which means that they have to buy coins to trade. The coins will alternate daily as to give all coins a chance for use in the network. Traders will have the option of trading for the coins or waiting until the next scheduled payout date.

All traders will receive reward for their trading efforts. The more profitable the trader, the better rewards so they will be based off of merit of work.

Liquid are focused on providing susbcriber traders the opportunity to increase their revenue streams whilst they trade.  What is on offer?  If you’re an existing customer, you have the exciting opportunity to have 10% off your next subscription simply by introducing one new person to Liquid Markets who signs up!  Although you can only get 10% off the subscription price at any given time, this does not limit you to just one person overall as you can have as many people as you desire and then introduce them to Liquid Markets one at a time to start enjoying the benefits in a communitarian way.    

Having a network of potential traders that you know in your network means you can discuss trading ideas, engage in peer-to-peer review, brainstorm on a number of topics, refer each other to sources of information and education and most importantly, become successful at trading together.  The offer of 10% is not exclusive to any subscription level. This means that whether you’re in Stage 1, 2, 3 or 4, you could take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.  

Liquid Markets aims to have the most informed and professional FX operatives at every level and we recognize that in order to reach this high goal, our traders need to have as many open avenues opened as possible to help facilitate this growth. For some, just having someone to talk to in person may open up a trading idea that needs to be explored- and who better to discuss your trading ideas than someone you have introduced into Liquid Markets? Others traders may prefer to pursue a purely marketing strategy and benefit from the lower subscription model whilst refraining from much interpersonal interactions with other traders. If that is you, you’re also welcome aboard.  Huzzah!   

Liquid Market’s long-term goal is to find the best traders, irrespective of whether they have come from in the world so look out for our Ultimate Training Challenge, a highly refined platform that has been streamlined from the best working models in the markets, synthesised by decades of professional trading experience at the highest levels to produce a platform- the UTC platform, a best-in-class behavioural training boot camp.   

We are disruptors. Our disruption means that we are opening more revenue streams for you, the trader.  We have fantastic opportunities for an increase in Peer-to-Peer payments, backed by our microfinance backers, there are substantial revenue streams available to you.  

Liquid Markets, when we win, you win; when you win, we win.   

Join us now with as little as $50

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