Market Knowledge

About Blulive

About Blulive started partly because Trust within the forex community has always been hard to come by.  Let’s be honest, as an industry, forex doesn’t have the best of reputations.  Trading and investing used to be the domain for those with money, period.  However, through the last half century the flourishing of technology has made […]

Trader know thyself

Mind Mapping  Physician, heal thyself! These are infamous words that you must adopt in order to create winning habits that turns an edge into a consistent edge and a consistent edge into a replicable pattern of demonstrable success. Habits?    The human brain works on the basis of habitual pattern hence, pattern recognition is a highly […]

The 4 Corners of the Market

The Four Corners  The coordinates, the four coordinates: the North, South, East and the West encompass all possible directional changes; any instantaneous mutation and permutational changes. In short, any possible changes are captured by one of the coordinates.  This is a principle that is applicable in many disciplines- geology with wind directions and changes; with any […]

$100 Ultimate Traders Challenge

$100 Ultimate Traders Challenge ™ is an innovative, game-theory based educational model that aims at unveiling the very best behavioral traders and give them the opportunity to receive paid probationary placements at an investment bank.​ Success requires practice- lots of it. However, the time required to become successful is in very short supply; you need […]